Are you harnessing the wisdom of your crowd?

Group Coaching

Group Coaching

Taking a team of individuals through a meaningful group experience is a highly creative process for everyone involved. A crowd has a lot of wisdom and intelligence that can be harnessed to exceed the sum of its parts.

For a group experience to be rare and exceptional, it takes some preparation, knowledge, and experience. Above all, however, the right conditions need to be created for spontaneity, exploration, and self-expression at both the individual and group levels.

My group coaching style is holistic, energetic, and playful. While we begin with the end in mind and focus on outcomes, we take great care of the energy levels throughout the day, the shy tulips in the room, as well as overall group dynamics that serve the ultimate effort. 

Various topics can be tackled. Chief among them include:

  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Women’s issues
  • Health and wellness
“ Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. ”
Margaret Mead

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